Promos Overview
Overview for all your different promo activies & items preview, test & send or re-send them from here. Renewed & manual dispatch of promos under exclusion of already successfully made contacts.
Individual mailing configuration
Audio player and info sheets can also be sent without download function. Automated promo dispatch with calender function - with or without feedback function possible.
Promo Email
Personalized address in the email dispatch. Individually designable template / multiple templates. No login/password necessary for user to gain access.
Create your promo
Video embedment (e.g. YouTube) on download site. Upload your files only once. We automatically convert formats and embed the watermarking for you.
Create your promo
wav and mp3 dispatch (individual titles and/or complete packages (zip) with info sheets and photos). You decide what formats you prefer to send.
Promo / Download Site
Audio player and info sheets can also be sent without download function. You can configure the quantity of download attempts (to avoid link-sharing).
The Player
Download dispatch with or without feedback function (e.g. for licensers or muzak services). Watermarking provided by leading technology providers.
Detailed statistics on user behavior (who has only listened to tracks, who has also downloaded and which title, most downloaded title etc.).
Add your own notes. Written feedback will automatically be provided as PDF file. Automatic notification, if user repeatedly has not reacted to received promos (you can configure the count).
Mailing Lists
Unlimited number of addresses and mailing-lists.
Arrange your contacts. Import existing contacts with Excel format (csv). Minimum requirement is Email contact (only) to work with HTM. Simple and well arranged.
Configure unlimited mailing-lists, professions and music-colours for your personal needs. Access for multiple users. Daily back up. Powerful server with broad bandwidth 100 MBit/s.